
DNA against traffic in human beings

Experts in genetic identification and criminalistics from Brazil, China, Arab Emirates, Spain, USA, Philippines, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and United Nations (UNODC) will meet in Granada next October 26th and 27th to celebrate the first Forerunner DNA – Prokids Scientific Group Meeting. The meeting will focus on coordination of scientific criteria… Seguir Leyendo DNA against traffic in human beings


Accident and emergency departments should offer immigrants translation and cultural mediation services, according to a study

The study, carried out in the Department of Medicine at the University of Granada, consisted of an analysis of health services provided to immigrants in accident and emergency departments in Spanish hospitals. The researchers concluded that, in addition to other measures, there is a need to create an immigrant treatment working party, establish a direct… Seguir Leyendo Accident and emergency departments should offer immigrants translation and cultural mediation services, according to a study


A study reveals that immigrant teenagers eat better and have a lower risk of obesity than Spanish teenagers

According to a study carried out at the Department of Experimental Sciences (Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales), immigrant teenagers eat better than Spanish teenagers. For this reason, immigrant teenagers have a lower probability of suffering from obesity, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases caused by bad eating habits. The study has not only analysed… Seguir Leyendo A study reveals that immigrant teenagers eat better and have a lower risk of obesity than Spanish teenagers

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