The International News Magazine - Australia

Choline intake improves memory and attention-holding capacity

64817 The benefits of this vitamin B source have been demonstrated in an experimental study in rats conducted by scientists at the University of Granada (Spain), Simón Bolívar University (Venezuela) and the University of York (UK). Choline is found in foodstuffs of animal origin, like eggs and chicken or beef liver, and in vegetable sources… Seguir Leyendo Choline intake improves memory and attention-holding capacity

The International News Magazine - Australia

Choline intake improves memory and attention-holding capacity

64817 The benefits of this vitamin B source have been demonstrated in an experimental study in rats conducted by scientists at the University of Granada (Spain), Simón Bolívar University (Venezuela) and the University of York (UK). Choline is found in foodstuffs of animal origin, like eggs and chicken or beef liver, and in vegetable sources… Seguir Leyendo Choline intake improves memory and attention-holding capacity