The Age (Australia)

Milk is the new oil, Iraq is the new Korea … enough already!

Milk is the new oil, Iraq is the new Korea … enough already!Email Printer friendly version Normal font Large font Drake BennettJanuary 3, 2008 Page 1 of 2 | Single page AdvertisementEARLY last month, medical researchers at Spains University of Granada called a press conference to announce their findings on the thirst-quenching properties of beer.… Seguir Leyendo Milk is the new oil, Iraq is the new Korea … enough already!

The Age (Australia)

One in 1,000 have cross-wired senses

One in 1,000 have cross-wired senses EmailPrintNormal fontLarge fontDecember 27, 2007 – 4:23PMAdvertisement Advertisement A new study has examined a strange sensory condition, which causes people to taste music or see colours in words. The condition, known as synaesthesia, causes two or more human senses to act as if they are interconnected, and is believed… Seguir Leyendo One in 1,000 have cross-wired senses