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Sand dunes in a sea of cement

Sand dunes in a sea of cement Mercedes Periáñez The dunes of Saladillo-Matas Verdes make an important natural enclave extending three kilometres along the coastline. The Coasts Authority has enlarged the public space in the area as a means of conserving it FEW of the tourists and residents of the houses and apartments know the… Seguir Leyendo Sand dunes in a sea of cement

Sur Digital in English

An inactive diet

An inactive diet David Gallego If we spend the entire day sitting in front of a computer screen or in an office, what and how should we eat? The experts tell us to cut down on calories but not the proportion of fats ONE of the principal obsessions of our society is eating well and… Seguir Leyendo An inactive diet

Sur Digital in English

Gib scientists say climate change finished off southern Iberia’s Neanderthals

Gibraltar Special Gib scientists say climate change finished off southern Iberia’s NeanderthalsBrian McCannA paper co-written by experts from the Gib museum claims the Rock was a final refuge A paper in the prestigious international ‘Quaternary Science Reviews’, provides strong evidence in favour of the view that the Neanderthals became extinct as a result of climate… Seguir Leyendo Gib scientists say climate change finished off southern Iberia’s Neanderthals

Sur Digital in English

Paradise lost

General News Paradise lostIsabel IbáñezLack of sexual desire often leads to strong feelings of guilt. Almost a third of all women and 15 per cent of men admit to the condition IF we were to believe the women’s magazines, we would know what a woman needs to realize her fantasies: a seductive, soft-focus environment, a… Seguir Leyendo Paradise lost

Sur Digital in English

Unearthing memories

General News Unearthing memoriesIgnacio LilloAfter a wait of almost 70 years relatives of Malagueños shot during the Civil War have witnessed the start of work to recover their remains “I’m mourning my father. He never had a proper wake”. Sitting on a chair with a blanket wrapped round her shoulders, 74 year old Francisca Córdoba… Seguir Leyendo Unearthing memories

Sur Digital in English

Regional grants bring 150 scientists back to live and work in Andalucía

Regional grants bring 150 scientists back to live and work in Andalucía Antonio Montilla The Department of Innovation at the Junta de Andalucía is spending 45 million euros on research this year, to the benefit of 18,000 professionals Andalucía has decided to put an end to its historical low score when it comes to science… Seguir Leyendo Regional grants bring 150 scientists back to live and work in Andalucía