Scientific Computing - EEUU

Imaging System Capable of Obtaining 12 Times More Information than Human Eye

73073 Researchers at the University of Granada have designed a new imaging system capable of obtaining up to 12 times more color information than the human eye and conventional cameras, which implies a total of 36 color channels. This important scientific development will facilitate the easy capture of multispectral images in real time, and in… Seguir Leyendo Imaging System Capable of Obtaining 12 Times More Information than Human Eye

Scientific Computing - EEUU

Imaging System Capable of Obtaining 12 Times More Information than Human Eye

73073 Researchers at the University of Granada have designed a new imaging system capable of obtaining up to 12 times more color information than the human eye and conventional cameras, which implies a total of 36 color channels. This important scientific development will facilitate the easy capture of multispectral images in real time, and in… Seguir Leyendo Imaging System Capable of Obtaining 12 Times More Information than Human Eye

Scientific Computing - EEUU

Film Reveals Beetle from the Inside

A biofilm that shows, from the inside, the anatomy of a small aquatic insect called Dryops has received the Best Film of the Year Award at the SkyScan Micro CT User Meeting 2012, an international conference of computed microtomography that took place in Brussels, Belgium, from April 3 to 5, 2012.Professor Javier Alba Tercedor, of… Seguir Leyendo Film Reveals Beetle from the Inside

Scientific Computing - EEUU

Researchers develop a halometer that tests alterations in night vision

Researchers at the University of Granada have developed this tool and proved it with a number of groups consisting on people operated on cataract or submitted to refractive eye surgery, as well as on normal observers and patients with different eye pathologies. The Free-Software Bureau of the University of Granada launched this program, that can… Seguir Leyendo Researchers develop a halometer that tests alterations in night vision

Scientific Computing - EEUU

Artificial Human Skin has Optimized Biomechanical Properties

Scientists from the University of Granada, Spain, have generated artificial human skin by tissular engineering based on agarose-fibrin biomaterial. The artificial skin was grafted onto mice, and optimal development, maturation and functionality results were obtained. This finding will allow the clinical use of human skin and its use in many laboratory tests on biological tissues… Seguir Leyendo Artificial Human Skin has Optimized Biomechanical Properties

Scientific Computing - EEUU

Designing Military Strategies Based on Ants’ Movements

Designing Military Strategies Based on Ants\’ Movements A researcher has designed a new system for the mobility of military troops within a battlefield based on the mechanisms used by ant colonies to move using Panzer General, a commercial videogame. This work, developed at the department of Computer Architecture and Technology of the University of Granada… Seguir Leyendo Designing Military Strategies Based on Ants’ Movements

Scientific Computing - EEUU

Professor Compiles 4,000 Graphic Math Jokes, Comics and Cartoons

Professor Compiles 4,000 Graphic Math Jokes, Comics and Cartoons A professor has compiled about 4,000 graphic jokes by more than 700 humorists from all over the world that are related to mathematics and its teaching, a tool he uses during his lessons of “Didactics of Mathematics” in the University of Granada’s Faculty of Sciences of… Seguir Leyendo Professor Compiles 4,000 Graphic Math Jokes, Comics and Cartoons