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Chocolate lovers have less body fat and healthier hearts, says new study

68455 You might want to make a cup of hot chocolate to sip as you read this report: Researchers have discovered that chocolate lovers have less body fat, better heart health and even healthier blood pressure readings, reported Food World News on November 1. Researchers from the University of Granada in Spain studied the diets… Seguir Leyendo Chocolate lovers have less body fat and healthier hearts, says new study

Examiner.com - EEUU

Low muscle strength in teens predictor of diseases, suicide (study)

Having low muscle strength during the teenage years appears to be associated with certain illnesses, depression and suicide. According to a public release by EurekAlert on Jan. 10, researchers at the University of Granada (Spain), the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm (Sweden) and the University of Helskinki (Finland) found teenagers with low muscle strength were at… Seguir Leyendo Low muscle strength in teens predictor of diseases, suicide (study)

Examiner.com - EEUU

Low muscle strength in teens predictor of diseases, suicide (study)

Having low muscle strength during the teenage years appears to be associated with certain illnesses, depression and suicide. According to a public release by EurekAlert on Jan. 10, researchers at the University of Granada (Spain), the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm (Sweden) and the University of Helskinki (Finland) found teenagers with low muscle strength were at… Seguir Leyendo Low muscle strength in teens predictor of diseases, suicide (study)

Examiner.com - EEUU

Neuropsychological phenomenon identified in healers

Research has shown that many of the individuals claiming to see the aura of people, traditionally called «healers» or «quacks», actually present the neuropsychological phenomenon which is known as «synesthesia», or specifically, «emotional synesthesia». People in Syracuse who are interested in natural health care interventions to help them achieve their optimal health potential are interested… Seguir Leyendo Neuropsychological phenomenon identified in healers

Examiner.com - EEUU

Fast food eaters are more depressed

The documentary Super Size Me revealed the profound impact and dire consequences of frequent fast food consumption on your physical health. Now research published in the March 2012 edition of the Public Health Nutrition journal suggests it also harms your mental health. Fast food is engrained into American culture and rapidly expanding worldwide. Parents everywhere… Seguir Leyendo Fast food eaters are more depressed

Examiner.com - EEUU

Prenatal fish consumption leads to smarter and more social children

Many Utah moms-to-be go to great lengths to produce smarter children. They play music to their unborn child, read to them and eat a proscribed diet, all in support of superior cognitive development.   Recent research from the University of Granada supports the latter as effective in producing smarter, more social offspring. As part of… Seguir Leyendo Prenatal fish consumption leads to smarter and more social children

Examiner.com - EEUU

Acute pancreatitis can be helped with virgin olive oil and fish fatty acids

Acute pancreatitis is a very disturbing condition. The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) has reported acute pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas which occurs suddenly and usually resolves in a few days with treatment. Every year about 210,000 people in the United States are admitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis. Many people in… Seguir Leyendo Acute pancreatitis can be helped with virgin olive oil and fish fatty acids

Examiner.com - EEUU

Children allowed to pick their produce eat more veggies Continue reading on Examiner.com Children allowed to pick their produce eat more veggies – Providence Children’s Health

A report from the University of Granada in the international journal Brain Research Bulletin concluded children eat up to 80 percent more vegetables when they get to pick. Researchers studied 150 children under age 6 who, when allowed to choose their veggies, ingested 20 grams more of vegetables per meal – or average of 40… Seguir Leyendo Children allowed to pick their produce eat more veggies Continue reading on Examiner.com Children allowed to pick their produce eat more veggies – Providence Children’s Health

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