HealthNews-Stat - EEUU

Daily Diet: Breastfeeding Mothers Not Getting Proper Dietary Requirements

Breastfeeding has been on the wane in industrialized nations over the past few decades, due to the addition of women in the work force, but it is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child, even if only for a few months. The health benefits for children include a reduced risk of respiratory… Seguir Leyendo Daily Diet: Breastfeeding Mothers Not Getting Proper Dietary Requirements

HealthNews-Stat - EEUU

Dividing up your holidays into several periods can help prevent post-holiday syndrome

– Dividing up your holidays into several periods can help prevent post-holiday syndromePsychologists estimate that 35 percent of Spanish workers between 25 and 40 will have to face the syndrome this year. Tiredness, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability, anxiety, sadness and… – Psychologists estimate that 35 per cent of Spanish workers between 25 and… Seguir Leyendo Dividing up your holidays into several periods can help prevent post-holiday syndrome