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The UGR pays tribute to Professor Martínez Marín with the publication of a book of linguistic studies

Professor Juan Martínez Marín has been the object of the tribute book “Linguistic studies in memory of Prof. Juan Martínez Marín” published by Universidad de Granada Press edited by professor Mª Ángeles Pastor Milán, of the Department of Spanish Language of the UGR.

Among those who have participated in this volume there are students, colleagues and disciples of Professor Martínez Marín: Mª Carmen Ávila Martín has dealed with present Spanish vocabulary and its perspectives of learning and use; Heraclia Castellón Alcalá ha tackled the vocabulary on “Pepita Jiménez”; Jorge Martínez Montoro has studied Spanish proverbs since 1960 from a phraseographic perspective; Jorge Molero Huertas has referred in his work to the lexical standard of frequency dictionaries; Esteban Tomás Montoro de Arco, who has reflected on a systematization of phraseological variability, and the supervisor of this edition, Mª Ángeles Pastor Millán, who has worked on the application of the principles of lexical semantics to the teaching of Spanish for foreign students; Francisco José Sánchez García, on the influence of the Treasure by Covarrubias in the dictionary of Authorities, on a study of a corpus of “religious” words; and Anna Zholobova, who has worked on the phraseological units of biblical origin in Spanish and Russian from a historical viewpoint.

The publication includes a chronological bibliography of Juan Martínez Marín, who devoted a great part of his scientific career to the study of phraseology and is considered as one of the promoters of this new research trend.

Spanish phraseology
According to Ignacio Ahumada, the author of the prologue of this volume: “His book Studies on Spanish phraseology (1996) represent in the whole of his work the culmination of a first phase, a phase in which he laid the theoretical foundations and carried out his first descriptions. A large part of the later research work has had as inevitable reference the works included in this volume, whose continuity has lead Juan Martínez Marín to the intricate and complex world of phraseology in general dictionaries”. Ignacio Ahumada has also referred to “the light” contributed by his research work to the redaction of dictionaries. “Not for nothing –he says- he knew our language’s lexicography as someone who has followed and practised it all through his scientific life. The world of dictionaries was always present in Juan Martínez Marín’s work, and he devoted himself to it in accordance with tradition: from the persistent practice to lexicographic theory”.

On the other hand, the responsible of the edition of this book, Mª Ángeles Pastor Millán, has maintains that this volume has intended, as far as possible, to deal with all the subjects which have been the object of Juan Martínez’s research work. It has not been entirely possible due to the variety of his research areas.

“There are different degrees of academic linking -Mª Ángeles Pastor says- between Juan Martínez Marín and the members of the present group: some of them are direct disciples and others have known him during the university course or as colleagues, like me; others are PhD students, but we all agree in a great admiration for his professional, research and personal career”.

Professor Mª Ángeles Pastor Milán. Dpt of Spanish Language. Universidad de Granada.
Phone numbers: 958 243 602 / 958 246 394