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28 Oct, 2021 · 17:00 al 28 Oct, 2021 · 19:00 Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Matemáticas (IMAG)

Charlas del Seminario GOYA

Cleonice F. Bracciali / Luis E. Garza

Conferencias, seminarios, divulgación científica

  • Primera charla
    Hora:17:00 h.
    A class of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and associated continuous dual Hahn polynomials
    Autora: Cleonice F. Bracciali, UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista.
    Resumen: We present orthogonal polynomials and associated connection coefficients with respect to a class of Sobolev inner products on the unit circle. Under certain conditions on the parameters in the inner product it is shown that the connection coefficients are related to a subfamily of the continuous dual Hahn polynomials. Properties regarding bounds and asymptotics are also established with respect to these parameters. Criteria for knowing when the zeros of the (Sobolev) orthogonal polynomials and also the zeros of their derivatives that stay within the unit disk have also been addressed. Joint work with Jéssica V. da Silva and A. Sri Ranga.
  • Segunda charla
    Hora: 18:00h
    Orthogonal polynomials: some applications related to the stability of linear systems.
    Autor: Luis E. Garza, Universidad de Colima.
    Resumen: The relation between Hurwitz polynomials and some sequences of orthogonal polynomials is well known in the literature. More precisely, the even and odd parts of any Hurwitz polynomial can be related to an orthogonal polynomial and the associated second kind polynomial, respectively. In this talk we present several recent results that allow us to construct, by using perturbed sequences of orthogonal polynomials, families of Hurwitz polynomials (with one or more uncertain parameters) that are robustly stable. Some applications and open problems will be discussed.

  • Fecha: Jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021
  • Lugar: Instituto de Matemáticas de la UGR. Seminario 2ª planta
    También vía Meet (link de la reunión:
  • Horario: 17:00 a 19:00h.
  • Organiza: Instituto de Matemáticas de Granada
  • Más información: