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3rd CEIMAR International Summer School on “Estuarine and Nearshore Systems: From Fundamentals to Cutting-Edge Knowledge”

Fecha: June 5-17, 2016
We would like to inform you about the upcoming 3rd CEIMAR International Summer School on Estuarine and Nearshore Systems, June 5-17, 2016, Granada, Spain.
This summer school is intended for MSc and PhD students who are interested in / working on physical processes in nearshore and estuarine systems. The primary subject of the course will be the study of the estuarine and the nearshore environment with physical-mathematical models that govern hydrodynamic, morphodynamic, and ecological processes.
The course includes thematic lectures, hands-on practices, laboratory experiments, and a field trip to the Granadian coast, led by international renowned experts on their fields. The students will work on small research team projects supervised by the experts. The outcome of the projects will be presented at the end of the summer school.
Further information can be found at the webpage .
Important Dates
Deadline for applications: 29th February 2016.
Confirmation of acceptance: 29th March 2016.
Any question related to this course? Please, mailto:
Organizing committee
3rd CEIMAR International Summer School on Estuarine and Nearshore Systems:
From Fundamentals to Cutting-Edge Knowledge
June 5-17, 2016, Granada, Spain.