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International Doctoral Summer School in Conversational Systems for Mental e-health

Hasta el 30 de septiembre está abierto el registro para la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado en Sistemas Conversacionales para e-Salud Mental, que tendrá lugar de forma virtual del 5 al 9 de Octubre 2020. La escuela tiene un enfoque multidisciplinar y está especialmente dirigida a estudiantes de posgrado de los ámbitos de informática, psicología, ciencias de la salud y en general a aquellos estudiantes interesados en el uso de las tecnologías conversacionales para comprender, promover y mantener la salud mental.

La información sobre la escuela, el programa y el modo de inscripción se encuentran en:

The International Doctoral Summer School in Conversational Systems for Mental e-health aims to provide innovative training for early stage researchers (ESR) in the application of conversational systems to the e-health and wellbeing domains. The school is mainly targeting early stage researchers, PhD students and graduate students in the fields of Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Computer Engineering and ICT-related studies, but it is also open to everybody who is interested in the use of conversational technologies to understand, promote and maintain mental health.

MENHIR summer school is organized in the core of the H2020 European project MENHIR, which deals with the use of chatbots to engage users in the management of their own wellbeing providing a continued and immediate assistance that complements increasingly saturated mental health services.

The school involves experts from different sectors (academic, business and professional) and disciplines (computer science, psychology, health sciences and social work) and will deal with aspects related to the use of conversational systems to help people with mental health problems. Some sessions will focus on the technological aspects, addressing the challenges of their practical application (e.g. automatic emotion recognition, development of natural language processing services, data science for mental health) and other sessions will focus on mental health aspects taking into account the benefits that technology may bring (e.g. suicide prevention or innovation in service delivery).

The programme includes lectures, round tables and hands-on labs covering, among others, the following topics:

  • Conversational technologies for mental health
  • Introduction to depression and anxiety and their identification
  • Introduction to conversational systems
  • EU initiatives about conversational systems for e-health
  • Innovative service delivery
  • Review of mental health apps
  • Technology and social media in suicidal behaviour and suicide prevention
  • Automatic behaviour estimation and coaching
  • Socio-affective interactions with virtual agents
  • Physio-psychological feedback and neurofeedback
  • Ethical issues in digital technologies and mental health
  • Junior researcher round table with experts
  • Hand-on voice user experience design
  • Building a chatbot with Google technology
  • Building a chatbot with Amazon Alexa
  • Automatic emotion recognition from paralinguistic features
  • Using physiological sensors for automatic emotion recognition
  • Eye tracking and attention detection
  • Data science for mental health

More details: